In order to print and ship the first edition of Points of Recognition, we organized a Kickstarter campaign that ran from January 21st til February 20th, 2019.
On this page we would like to thank in random order our 219 backers, who together pledged a total amount of 16.441 euro.
Thank you to those who donated a book to one of the indigenous people portrayed:
Anuj Rudhar, Frank Ong-Alok, Tine Niezink, Astrid Waltmans, Memphis Features, Anuj Rudhar, Edson Koorndijk, Norah Arps, Ekwa Msangi, V.S.P.G. Bottenbley, Roel Borstlap, German en Hilkia Cruden, Annemarie de Wildt, Straight Ahead Films, INTER-VERBA Linguistic Services , Ken & Liesbeth, Samuel Mathews, Suzanne Leake, Tan Bun Skrati N.V., Republic Agency, and those who prefer to remain anonymous.
Thank you to those who pre-ordered our book, with or without a photoprint
Glenn W. , 94GREENTV, Brian Udoff, Rajen Budhu Lall, Anthony Viera, Geewhizdesigns, Carmen Tjon, Suriname Tour Agent/ Sibi Busi Designs, Anco Multi Services, Marina Veron Ziel , Marion Bijlhout, Sal Kroonenberg Cinematography, Tabiki Productions, I. Sabajo, John Pel POC consult, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Ellen de Vries Onderzoek & Multimedia-producties, Adam Schomer & i2i Productions, Christina Halatsis, Chang Nai Wen, Sharda Ganga, Rotterdambassadeur, HEM Suriname N.V., Vigics, Daniel Sullivan, Marcia Ward, Pelican Films, Ramdjas Hindori, Projecten, Highball Entertainment, Ester, Alrik, Sarah, Jonas en Linde Boonstra, Michèle Jonkhout, Institute for a Sustainable Planet – Pamela Peeters, Loraine M. Wolf, Thomas Barnes, Side Plot Productions, Jeffrey Choe, Production Junction, Samina Sami, Rick Antionio, Dierenartsenpraktijk Polanen Amsterdam , Lenette, Jor Van Kline, Landvreugd, Sarah Crabbe, Rajnesh Domalpalli, Anthony de Vries, Studio Remy Jungerman, Mellouki Cadat-Lampe, Vzw Koksijde-Marowijne, Harvey Wirth, Pater Ahlbrinck Stichting, Linda Roosbeek ‘wei marikotoâbo Arowaka Lokonon Dian khona’ , Martin van Leesten, Ms. Chelo C. van Leeuwaarde, Gidon Dormann, Christine Samsom, Joseph & Burkum Family, Edson Koorndijk, Alwin Goedhart, Sherman De Jesus, Valter & Maria Neto, Kathryn Lebda, Yvette Lovstad, Norah Arps, Mika Miyoshi, Mike Timmermans, Erika Gonzales , Michael Morlan, David Paul, VSPG Bottenbley, Roel Borstlap, Nemanja Bala, Familie Van den Berg, Jan Eikelboom, Hollis Kam, Siegfried Aikman, Roland Gebhardt, Tracey Gudwin, Red Wall Productions, Ela Thier, Erik Westerman, Nabil Viñas, J. Vink, Sloot Bedrijfsartsen B.V., Jendra and Alec Jarnagin, Non-Camera Shy Fan, Naomy, Marcel A. Koppenol, Suriname Holidays – Suzette Eeltink, Zarissa Windzak, Diana Hoayun, Kunst op de Klapstoel, Grace Stelk, Harmen Boerboom Media Development, Familie Adams, Roelof Jan Minneboo, Takeshi Seimori, Tosca Gonsalves, Abigail Wright, Andrew Child, Christiaan Faberij de Jonge – First Assistant Director, Constant Hofland, Familie Kopuit, Delbert Ho-A-Yun, Dhr. E. J. Calor, Erik Spaltman, Architectenbureau Spaltman, Karla Hoffman Photography, Lucia Nankoe, Praktijk Massagetherapy Mariam Lo Fo Wong, Maarten Mortier,, Rob Ruggenberg – auteur, Sam Robinson, Kok Tollens, Sonny R. Tai Tin Woei, V. Tjin-A-Djie, and those who prefer to remain anonymous.
Thank you to those who pledged for a meetup or pledged more then 20 euro without a reward
Luc Timmermans, Linda Graveline, Albert Hamminga, Integra Marine and Freight Services NV, Mikela Tzavara & Geoffey Wallace , Ellen de Vries Onderzoek & Multimedia-producties, Rumi Watanabe, Culpepper/Williams, Monique Chelius, Piet Haarmans, and those who prefer to remain anonymous.